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We are a fully volunteer-based organization and are dependent on your donations to continue doing what we do. 100% of your donations are used to fund the purchase of equipment needed for our projects. Join EWB (SG) in making a positive impact and creating real change in the involved communities.


You may donate via

Change for Change_edited.jpg


Scan the QR code /

enter the UEN number

In your PayNow app,

you may choose to either scan the QR code,

or enter the UEN number: T13SS0214H

Under 'remarks', kindly indicate your full name.



Fill up the form below


By completing this form, you confirm that EWB (SG) can contact you in the future regarding your donation and that you are willing to disclose any relevant information to us.

Personal Data Protection Notice:
By submitting this form, you agree that EWB (SG) may collect, use and disclose your personal data, as provided in this application/survey / expression of interest form, for the following purposes in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012:

  1. The processing of your membership with the organisation;

  2. To contact you to provide information in relation to the organisation and/or your membership

  3. For any other purpose

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

Step 2
Frequently Asked Questions

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